Table Of Contents
Post updated October 3rd, 2023 :
– Add a printable pdf file of the word list.
– Addition of 6 new words or french expressions beginning with Q.
– New table format for the list.
– Definitions added.
Today I had fun with the words that start with Q by including in my list some common French expressions.
I hope my crossword friends won’t mind too much, but it’s easier to learn with a little fun.
Find also French words starting with Y or with W 🙂
Have a nice day!
Read Also : My 31 French Words That Start with K
French Words That Start With Q
So there is my list of 55 French words beginning with Q with their :
- English translation
- Family : french noun, french adjective, french preposition, french verb…
- Gender : feminine or masculine
- Meaning
- Number of letters (for fans of crosswords or Scrabble)
French Words Starting with Q
Word Starting with ‘Q’ in French | Translation in English | Family and Gender of Words | Meaning |
qu’à cela ne tienne | No problem, never mind | Expression | A phrase meaning it’s not an issue or concern. |
quand | when | Conjunction | Used to specify a point in time. |
quant | as for, regarding | Adverb | Used to introduce a particular aspect of a subject. |
quantifier | to quantify | Verb | Measure or express the quantity of something. |
quantitatif | quantitative | Adjective | Relating to the measurement of quantity. |
quasiment | almost, nearly | Adverb | Used to indicate a close approximation. |
quatorze | fourteen | Common Masculine Noun | The number after thirteen and before fifteen. |
quatuor | quartet | Common Masculine Noun | A group of four musicians or singers. |
que | than, that, which, who, what | Adverb, Relative Pronoun, Interrogative Pronoun | Used for comparisons, as a connector, or to ask questions. |
Québecois | Quebecois | Adjective | Relating to Quebec, Canada. |
quelqu’un | someone | Adverb | Refers to an unspecified person. |
quelque | some | Adverb | Indicates an unspecific number or amount. |
quelquefois | sometimes | Adverb | Occurring occasionally or irregularly. |
querelleur | quarrelsome | Adjective | Inclined to argue or dispute. |
quérir | to fetch, go and get | Verb | To go and bring back something or someone. |
quête | quest, search | Common Feminine Noun | A journey for a specific purpose or objective. |
quemander | request | Verb | To ask for something, often insistently. |
question | question | Common Feminine Noun | An inquiry seeking a reply or solution. |
queue | tail, line | Common Feminine Noun | The rear part of an animal or a line of people. |
qui | who, which | Relative Pronoun | Used to introduce a relative clause. |
quiche | quiche | Common Feminine Noun | A savory pie with a filling of eggs, cheese, and other ingredients. |
quille | pin, skittle | Common Feminine Noun | A pin used in bowling or skittles. |
quincaillerie | hardware store | Common Feminine Noun | A store that sells hardware and tools. |
quinze | fifteen | Common Masculine Noun | The number after fourteen and before sixteen. |
quinquagénaire | fifty-something | Adjective | Describing someone who is in their fifties. |
quinte | fit, attack | Common Feminine Noun | A sudden outburst, such as of coughing or laughter. |
quiproquo | misunderstanding, mix-up | Common Masculine Noun | A confusion or mistake due to a misunderstanding. |
quoi | what | Interrogative Pronoun | Used to ask for information or clarification. |
quoique | although | Conjunction | Used to introduce a contrasting or contradictory idea. |
quotidien | daily | Adjective | Occurring or done every day. |
quitter | to leave, quit | Verb | To depart from a place or cease an activity. |
quintupler | to quintuple | Verb | To increase something fivefold. |
quizz | quiz | Common Masculine Noun | A short test or game to assess knowledge. |
qu’on se le dise! | Let it be known! | Expression | A phrase used to emphasize that something should be acknowledged. |
qu’est-ce que c’est? | What is it? | Phrases | Used to inquire about the nature of something. |
qu’est-ce qui se passe? | What’s happening? | Phrases | Used to ask about the current situation or events. |
quoi de neuf? | What’s new? | Phrases | Used to ask if there is anything new or interesting. |
quoi qu’il en soit | Be that as it may | Expression | Used to acknowledge a fact but indicate it won’t change one’s stance. |
quand on parle du loup | Speak of the devil | Expression | Used when a person being talked about appears. |
quant à moi | As for me | Expression | Used to introduce one’s own opinion or viewpoint. |
qui ne tente rien n’a rien | Nothing ventured, nothing gained | Expression | Signifies that one has to take risks in order to achieve something. |
qui sème le vent récolte la tempête | You reap what you sow | Expression | Actions have consequences, often negative. |
qui vivra verra | Time will tell | Expression | Used to say that the future is uncertain and anything could happen. |
qualitatif | qualitative | Adjective | Related to the quality or characteristics of something, rather than its quantity. |
qualifier | to qualify | Verb | To describe, characterize, or enable someone or something to move to the next stage. |
quart | quarter | Common Masculine Noun | One of four equal parts into which something is or can be divided. |
quartier | neighborhood, district | Common Masculine Noun | A distinct area within a larger area, often inhabited by a specific community. |
quantique | quantum | Adjective | Relating to the study or characteristics of quantum mechanics. |
quasar | quasar | Common Masculine Noun | An extremely bright and distant celestial object, often powered by a black hole. |
quorum | quorum | Common Masculine Noun | The minimum number of members needed for a group to officially conduct business. |
quadrilatère | quadrilateral | Common Masculine Noun | A four-sided polygon. |
quadrupède | quadruped | Common Masculine Noun | An animal that walks on four legs. |
quasar | quasar | Common Masculine Noun | An extremely luminous object in space, powered by a black hole. |
quasi | almost, nearly | Adverb | Used to indicate that something is almost but not completely a certain thing. |
que dalle | nothing at all | Expression | Used to emphasize the absence or lack of something. |
This list includes fine common phrases or expressions not so easy to translate but funny 😉
À bientôt!
French Words That Start With Q : Pronunciation (Audio File)
Bertrand is happy to pronounce (correctly) with her lovely French accent all these French words starting with Q ! 🙂
Please listen to our audio file (mp3) :
French Words That Start With Q : Video (YouTube)
Please see (and listen) our video concerning these French words starting with Q :
French Words That Start With Q : PDF To Download & Print
You are welcome to download and print my list of French Words that start with Q in PDF and A4 format here.
Please click on this button and it will open the PDF in an new tab :
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