Table Of Contents
Post updated October 18th, 2023 :
– Add number of letters for each word
– Add a printable pdf file of the word list.
– Addition 10 new words beginning with L.
– New table format for the list.
– Definitions added.
Today, we’re diving into the ‘L’ section of the French dictionary.
The French language has a certain lyricism and fluidity, and ‘L’ words often epitomize this beauty.
So, let’s explore together some LLLovely (you got it? 🙂 ) French words that start with L.
French Words That Start With L
So, here’s my list of 43 French words beginning with L, with their :
- English translation
- Family : french noun, french adjective, french preposition, french verb…
- Gender : feminine or masculine
- Meaning
- Number of letters (for fans of crosswords or Scrabble)
French Word | English Translation | Family & Gender | Meaning | Number of Letters |
Lac | Lake | Noun (Masculine) | A body of water | 3 letters |
Loi | Law | Noun (Feminine) | Rules governing conduct | 3 letters |
Lys | Lily | Noun (Masculine) | A type of flower | 3 letters |
Lait | Milk | Noun (Masculine) | Dairy liquid | 4 letters |
Lien | Link | Noun (Masculine) | Connection between things | 4 letters |
Lire | To read | Verb | Understand written text | 4 letters |
Long | Long | Adjective | Extended in length | 4 letters |
Loup | Wolf | Noun (Masculine) | Wild canine | 4 letters |
Lune | Moon | Noun (Feminine) | Earth’s natural satellite | 4 letters |
Luxe | Luxury | Noun (Masculine) | High quality or comfort | 4 letters |
Lance | Spear | Noun (Feminine) | Weapon with long shaft | 5 letters |
Large | Wide | Adjective | Broad in extent | 5 letters |
Larme | Tear | Noun (Feminine) | Droplet from eye | 5 letters |
Léger | Light | Adjective | Not heavy | 5 letters |
Ligne | Line | Noun (Feminine) | A straight mark | 5 letters |
Livre | Book | Noun (Masculine) | Written or printed work | 5 letters |
Lundi | Monday | Noun (Masculine) | First day of the week | 5 letters |
Loupe | Magnifying glass | Noun (Feminine) | Glass for magnifying | 5 letters |
Lacet | Shoelace | Noun (Masculine) | Cord for fastening shoes | 5 letters |
Lampe | Lamp | Noun (Feminine) | Source of light | 5 letters |
Lapin | Rabbit | Noun (Masculine) | Small mammal | 5 letters |
Légume | Vegetable | Noun (Masculine) | Edible plant part | 6 letters |
Levure | Yeast | Noun (Feminine) | Fermenting agent | 6 letters |
Lettre | Letter | Noun (Feminine) | Written message | 6 letters |
Lacune | Gap | Noun (Feminine) | Empty space | 6 letters |
Langue | Language | Noun (Feminine) | System of communication | 6 letters |
Lucide | Lucid | Adjective | Clear-minded | 6 letters |
Larder | To lash | Verb | To tie tightly | 6 letters |
Lavande | Lavender | Noun (Feminine) | Aromatic flower | 7 letters |
Légende | Legend | Noun (Feminine) | Myth or story | 7 letters |
Léopard | Leopard | Noun (Masculine) | Large feline | 7 letters |
Lumière | Light | Noun (Feminine) | Source of illumination | 7 letters |
Louange | Praise | Noun (Feminine) | Approval or admiration | 7 letters |
Laurier | Laurel | Noun (Masculine) | Type of tree | 7 letters |
Lyrique | Lyric | Adjective | Relating to lyrics | 7 letters |
Liberté | Liberty | Noun (Feminine) | Freedom | 7 letters |
Licorne | Unicorn | Noun (Feminine) | Mythical horse | 7 letters |
Logique | Logic | Noun (Feminine) | Reasoning | 7 letters |
Lointain | Distant | Adjective | Far away | 8 letters |
Latitude | Latitude | Noun (Feminine) | Geographical coordinate | 8 letters |
Lévitation | Levitation | Noun (Feminine) | Floating without support | 9 letters |
Luminaire | Light fixture | Noun (Masculine) | Object with light bulb | 9 letters |
Librairie | Bookstore | Noun (Feminine) | Place to buy books | 9 letters |
Read Also : 25 French Words That Start with i
French Words That Start With L : Pronunciation (Audio File)
Bertrand is happy to pronounce (correctly) with her lovely French accent all these French words starting with L ! 🙂
Please listen to our audio file (mp3) :
French Words That Start With L : Video (YouTube)
Please see (and listen) our video concerning these French words starting with L :
French Words That Start With L : PDF To Download & Print
You are welcome to download and print my list of French Words that start with L in PDF and A4 format here :
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- French Words That Start With K
- French Words That Start With L
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