Is France Bigger Than California?

Updated :
| By : Louise
Born in Cameroon and adopted at 1 year in France. I spent all my childhood in Alsace before studying in Paris. I like to defend my beautiful country with its strengths and weaknesses. Find me on Linkedin and CV.

Yes, France is approximately 1,3 times bigger than California in area and 1,7 times bigger in population.

The total surface area of France (include the overseas regions) is 551 695 Sq. Km. while the area of California is 423,967 Sq. Km. from governmental sources (see below).

The total area of France includes metropolitan France (France métropolitaine) and the overseas departments and territories : French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte and Reunion Island…

  • Surface area of metropolitan France (France métropolitaine) is 543 940 Sq. Km.
  • Surface area of France overseas regions (DOM-TOM) is 89 169 Sq. Km.
  • Total surface area of France is 551 695 Sq Km.

So California represents about 77% of France in total surface area.

is France bigger than California?
California on France (overlapping surfaces)
is France bigger than California?
France on California (overlapping surfaces)

Sources :

  • France : INSEE Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (datas 2020 published March 31 2022)
  • California : United States Census Bureau

Population of France vs California (official sources)

The French population is 1,7 times higher of California’s population.

France has 68 millions (exactly 68 042 591) habitants on January 1st 2023 while California has 39 millions habitants (July 2022) from governmental sources (see below).

So California represents about 57% of France in population size.

Sources :

  • France : INSEE estimates (2023)
  • California : United States Census Bureau (2022)

how big is france compared to california?

France is 1,3 times bigger compared to California in surface area and 1,7 bigger in size of population:

  • Surface : France 551 695 Sq. Km. vs California 423,967 Sq. Km.
  • Population : France 68 M. habitants vs California 39 M.

Governmental sources above.

People also ask about France and California :

Is England bigger than California?

No, England is not bigger than California in surface area : California is 3,3 times bigger than California in surface area.

However in terms of size population, England is 1,4 times bigger than California :

  • Surface : England 130 279 Sq. Km. vs California 423 967 Sq. Km.
  • Population : England 56 M. habitants vs California 39 M.

Governmental sources above.

Is California bigger than Germany?

Yes, California is bigger but only only 1,2 times bigger than Germany in surface area :

  • California surface area is 423 967 Sq. Km.
  • Germany surface area is 357 588 Sq. Km.

Governmental sources above.

How many Frances can fit in California?

You can’t fit any Frances in California because France surface area is pretty similar to California.

France is only 1,3 times bigger than California :

  • Surface area of France is 551 695 Sq. Km.
  • Surface area of California is 423 967 Sq. Km.

Governmental sources above.

What state is closest in size to France?

California is the closest state in size to France with 423 967 Sq. Km. of surface area vs 551 695 Sq. Km. for France.

California is about 77% of France surface area.

Governmental sources above.

Explore Social Studies In France :

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