My 21 French Quotes About Travel

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| By : Louise
Born in Cameroon and adopted at 1 year in France. I spent all my childhood in Alsace before studying in Paris. I like to defend my beautiful country with its strengths and weaknesses. Find me on Linkedin and CV.

Looking for French quotes about travel?

Don’t move, you will be served !

My name is Louise, I’m French and I offer you a list of +21French quotes about travel.

These quotes are translated from French to English and vice versa.

Enjoy them and use them in the right circumstances ! 😉


Read Also : My 15 French Quotes About Paris (Instagram Ideas)

21 French Quotes About Travel (with English translation)

I have manually selected the most beautiful French quotes about travel :

Work in progress 🙂


“Le voyage est le seul remĂšde qui ne nuise pas Ă  la sagesse”

Ninon de Lenclos

Translation: “Travel is the only remedy that does not harm wisdom”

“L’aventure est partout, il suffit de la voir.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Translation: “Adventure is everywhere, you just have to see it”

“Le voyage est une seconde naissance.”

Ibn Battuta

Translation: “Travel is a second birth.”

“La meilleure façon de voyager est de fermer les yeux et de rĂȘver.”

André Gide

Translation: “The best way to travel is to close your eyes and dream.”

“La seule façon de voyager est de rĂȘver.”

Guy de Maupassant

Translation: “The only way to travel is to dream”

“La seule façon de voyager loin est de lire.”

Mark Twain

Translation: “The only way to travel far is to read.”

“Le voyage est une fuite hors de soi-mĂȘme, qui se retrouve Ă  l’arrivĂ©e.”

Paul Morand

Translation: “Travel is a flight from oneself, which is found upon arrival.”

“Le voyage est un retour Ă  la maison”

Martin Buber

Translation: “Travel is a return to home.”

“On voyage pour changer, non pas de lieu, mais d’idĂ©es.”

Marcel Proust

Translation: “We travel to change, not of place, but of ideas.”

“Dans le voyage, il n’y a pas de certitude, seulement de l’aventure

Auteur Inconnu

Translation: When you are travelling, there is no certainty, only the adventure

“Un des grands malheurs de la vie moderne, c’est le manque d’imprĂ©vu, l’absence d’aventures.”

Théophile Gauthier

Translation: “One of the worst misfortunes of modern life is the lack of mishaps, the absence of adventures.”

“Le voyage pour moi, ce n’est pas arriver, c’est partir. C’est l’imprĂ©vu de la prochaine escale, c’est le dĂ©sir jamais comblĂ© de connaĂźtre sans cesse autre chose, c’est demain, Ă©ternellement demain.”

Roland DorgelĂšs

Translation: “For me, travelling is not about arriving. It’s about leaving. It’s the uncertainty in what’s coming next. It’s the never-fulfilled desire of discovering something else. It’s tomorrow, forever tomorrow.”

“Rester c’est exister. Mais voyager c’est vivre.”

Gustave Nadaud

Translation : “To stay is to exist. To travel is to live.”

“Rien ne dĂ©veloppe l’intelligence comme les voyages.”

Émile Zola

Translation : “Travel broadens the mind.”

Auteur Inconnu

Translation : “We do not travel to escape life but so that life does not escape us.”

“Il n’y a pas d’homme plus complet que celui qui a beaucoup voyagĂ©, qui a changĂ© vingt fois la forme de sa pensĂ©e et de sa vie.”

Auteur Inconnu

Translation : “There is no man more complete than the one who has traveled a lot, who has changed the shape of his thought and his life twenty times.”

“Vis pour voyager et voyage pour vivre.”

Auteur Inconnu

Translation : “Live to travel and travel to live.”

“Le monde est un livre et ceux qui ne voyagent pas n’en lisent qu’une page.”

Auteur Inconnu

Translation : “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.”

“Le plus beau des voyages, c’est celui que l’on n’a pas encore fait.”

LoĂŻck Peyron

Translation : “The most beautiful journey is the one we have not yet made.”

“On voyage non pour changer de lieux, mais d’idĂ©es.”

Hippolyte Taine

Translation : “We travel not to change places, but ideas.”

“La vĂ©ritĂ© existe au-delĂ  des montagnes. Pour la trouver, il faut voyager.”

Auteur Inconnu

Translation : “Truth exists beyond the mountains. To find it, one must travel.”


Please share in the comments your best french quotes about travel ! 🙂


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