Table Of Contents
- French quotes about life
- 1. “La vie est une fleur dont l’amour est le miel.” – Victor Hugo
- 2. “Vivre, c’est agir.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- 3. “La vie est un sommeil, l’amour en est le rêve.” – Alfred de Musset
- 4. “Le but de la vie est une vie avec un but.” – Robert Byrne
- 5. “L’art est la vie éternelle dans l’éphémère.” – Louis Aragon
- 6. “La vie est une aventure audacieuse ou rien du tout.” – Helen Keller
- 7. “La vie sans amour est comme un arbre sans fleurs ni fruits.” – Khalil Gibran
- 8. “La vie est la première des libertés.” – Simone de Beauvoir
- 9. “La vie est un mystère qu’il faut vivre, et non un problème à résoudre.” – Gandhi
- 10. “La vie est ce que notre caractère veut qu’elle soit.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
- 11. “La vie est un défi à relever, un bonheur à mériter, une aventure à tenter.” – Mère Teresa
- 12. “La vraie vie est absente. Nous ne sommes pas au monde.” – Arthur Rimbaud
- 13. “La vie est un rêve, c’est le réveil qui nous tue.” – Virginia Woolf
- 14. “La vie est une succession de leçons qui doivent être vécues pour être comprises.” – Helen Keller
- 15. “La vie est une longue leçon d’humilité.” – J.M. Barrie
- 16. “C’est cela la vie, aller vers les autres.” – Muriel Barbery
- 17. “On ne peut répondre de son courage quand on n’a jamais été dans le péril.” – François de La Rochefoucauld
- 18. “La vie est une comédie pour ceux qui pensent et une tragédie pour ceux qui sentent.” – Horace Walpole
- 19. “Le bonheur dépend de nous.” – Aristote
- 20. “La vie est un mystère à vivre, non un problème à résoudre.” – Søren Kierkegaard
- 21. “La vie est comme une bicyclette, il faut avancer pour ne pas perdre l’équilibre.” – Albert Einstein
- 22. “La vie n’est pas d’attendre que les orages passent, c’est d’apprendre comment danser sous la pluie.” – Sénèque
- 23. “La vie est un voyage, pas une destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- 24. “La vie est ce que nous en faisons. Les voyages sont les voyageurs.” – Fernando Pessoa
- 25. “La meilleure façon de prévoir l’avenir, c’est de le créer.” – Platon
- 26. “La vie ne vaut rien, mais rien ne vaut la vie.” – Serge Gainsbourg
- 27. “La vie est trop courte pour ne pas être heureux.” – Leigh Hunt
- 28. “Oui, nous le pouvons.” – Barack Obama
- 29. “La vie est une question d’attitude.” – Charles Swindoll
- 30. “La vie n’est qu’un éternel recommencement.” – Louis Pauwels
- 31. “Il n’y a pas de joie sans peine dans la vie.” – Honoré de Balzac
- 32. “La vie est une échelle, la montée est parfois difficile.” – Anonymous
- 33. “Dans la vie on ne fait pas ce que l’on veut mais on est responsable de ce que l’on est.” – Jean-Paul Sartre
- 34. “La vie est pleine de petits bonheurs.” – Anonymous
- 35. “La vie appartient à ceux qui osent.” – Simone de Beauvoir
- 36. “C’est le propre de l’homme de se tromper; seul l’insensé persiste dans son erreur.” – Cicero
- 37. “Vivre pleinement, c’est aussi prendre des risques.” – John C. Maxwell
- 38. “C’est dans les moments les plus sombres que nous devons nous concentrer pour voir la lumière.” – Aristote Onassis
- 39. “La vie est simple, mais nous insistons à la rendre compliquée.” – Confucius
- 40. “La seule chose que nous devons craindre, c’est la peur elle-même.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
- 41. “La vie, c’est ce qui arrive quand vous êtes occupé à faire d’autres Projets.” – John Lennon
- 42. “L’art de vivre consiste en un subtil mélange entre lâcher prise et tenir bon.” – Henri Lewis
- 43. “La vie est un jeu avec ses propres règles, ses propres limites, ses propres frontières.” – Paulo Coelho
- 44. “Dans la vie, rien n’est à craindre, tout est à comprendre.” – Marie Curie
- 45. “La vie est un voyage, pas une destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- 46. “La vie est une question de choix. Comment nous conduisons nos vies dépend de nous.” – Anonymous
- 47. “Aucune grande entreprise ne peut se faire sans l’idéal.” – Charles de Gaulle
- 48. “Le travail éloigne de nous trois grands maux : l’ennui, le vice et le besoin.” – Voltaire
- 49. “Le sens de la vie est de trouver son don. Le but de la vie est de le partager.” – Pablo Picasso
- 50. “Ne demandez pas ce que votre pays peut faire pour vous. Demandez ce que vous pouvez faire pour votre pays.” – John F. Kennedy
- 51. “Il n’y a qu’un héroïsme au monde: c’est de voir le monde tel qu’il est et de l’aimer.” – Romain Rolland
- 52. “Le secret du bonheur, ce n’est pas de faire toujours ce que l’on veut, mais de vouloir toujours ce que l’on fait.” – Héraclite
- 53. “La vie est trop courte pour qu’on soit pressé.” – Henry David Thoreau
- 54. “Chaque minute de vie est une seconde de chance.” – Anonymous
- 55. “Le seul véritable échec dans la vie est de ne pas être vrai envers le meilleur qu’il y a en nous.” – Ken Poirot
- 56. “On ne peut pas trouver la paix en évitant la vie.” – Virginia Woolf
- 57. “La vie est simple, mais c’est l’homme qui complique tout.” – Oscar Wilde
- 58. “Vivre est la chose la plus rare. La plupart des gens existent, c’est tout.” – Oscar Wilde
- 59. “Nous n’avons pas besoin de la magie pour changer le monde, nous avons déjà en nous tout le pouvoir dont nous avons besoin, nous avons le pouvoir d’imaginer mieux.” – J.K. Rowling
- 60. “La vie n’est pas mesurée par le nombre de respirations que nous prenons, mais par les moments qui nous coupent le souffle.” – Maya Angelou
- 61. “Aimer la vie, plus que l’amour.” – Johnny Hallyday
- 62. “Il faut toujours viser la lune, car même en cas d’échec, on atterrit dans les étoiles.” – Oscar Wilde
- 63. ” Ce que nous voyons n’est pas ce que nous voyons, mais ce que nous sommes.” – Fernando Pessoa
- 64. “Le temps passe et les amitiés passent, j’en ai vu d’autres c’est la vie.” – Kery James
- 65. “Les rêves donnent à la vie de nouvelles saveurs.” – Indila
- 66. “La vie c’est des étapes… La plus douce c’est l’amour… La plus dure c’est la séparation…” – Amel Bent
- 67. “Il suffit parfois d’une chanson pour faire revivre un rêve endormi.” – Lara Fabian
- 68. “La vie non examinée ne vaut pas la peine d’être vécue.” – Socrate
- 69. “La seule véritable sagesse est de savoir que tu ne sais rien.” – Socrate
- 70. “L’espérance est le songe d’un homme éveillé.” – Aristote
- 71. “Chacun a la capacité de changer le monde pour le meilleur.” – Nelson Mandela
- 72. “Il est préférable de souffrir certaines injustices que de les commettre.” – Socrate
- 73. “Tout homme qui pense est un monstre, sa vie est un miracle, et tous ses actes sont des expériences.” – Denis Diderot
- 74. “Il n’y a de bonheur que dans le réel.” – Blaise Pascal
- 75. “Il n’est pas nécessaire d’espérer pour entreprendre, ni de réussir pour persévérer.” – Guillaume d’Orange
- 76. “Ce n’est pas la muraille qui fait la cité, mais l’homme.” – Winston Churchill
- 77. “Croyez ceux qui cherchent la vérité, doutez de ceux qui la trouvent.” – André Gide
- What is a famous french quote about life?
- What is the French phrase about enjoying life?
- What is the French quote about life and love?
Bonjour les amis!
As you now know, I’m a great reader and a curious one.
As my life has unfolded, I’ve jotted down in a little notebook phrases or quotes that have pleased me and often guided me.
I’ve put together a personal selection of quotes about life, from a wide range of backgrounds: authors, philosophers, singers, politicians, all of them French of course.
I’ve completed this list with a few quotes from other non-French people, as well as phrases that have struck me, heard or read here and there.
I hope you find this reading inspiring.
Read Also : 39 French Love Quotes
French quotes about life
Here is my list of 77 french quotes about life:
1. “La vie est une fleur dont l’amour est le miel.” – Victor Hugo
Translation in English: Life is a flower of which love is the honey.
What it means to me: This quote signifies that life, much like a flower, can be beautiful and fragile. It emphasizes that love acts like honey, providing sweetness and nourishment to our lives, thus making it richer and more fulfilling.
2. “Vivre, c’est agir.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Translation in English: To live is to act.
What it means to me: Life is about taking action and making things happen, rather than just observing or waiting for things to happen to you.
3. “La vie est un sommeil, l’amour en est le rêve.” – Alfred de Musset
Translation in English: Life is a sleep, love is its dream.
What it means to me: Life can be like a dream state, but it is love that fills this state with dreams and makes life meaningful.

4. “Le but de la vie est une vie avec un but.” – Robert Byrne
Translation in English: The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
What it means to me: It’s important to have goals and objectives in life – they give our lives meaning and direction.
5. “L’art est la vie éternelle dans l’éphémère.” – Louis Aragon
Translation in English: Art is eternal life in the ephemeral.
What it means to me: Art can capture moments of life and make them eternal, even as life itself is transient.
6. “La vie est une aventure audacieuse ou rien du tout.” – Helen Keller
Translation in English: Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
What it means to me: It encourages us to take risks and embrace the adventures that life offers.
7. “La vie sans amour est comme un arbre sans fleurs ni fruits.” – Khalil Gibran
Translation in English: Life without love is like a tree without flowers or fruit.
What it means to me: Love brings beauty and fruitfulness to life, much like flowers and fruits to a tree.
8. “La vie est la première des libertés.” – Simone de Beauvoir
Translation in English: Life is the first of all freedoms.
What it means to me: Life itself grants us the freedom to think, act, and exist.
9. “La vie est un mystère qu’il faut vivre, et non un problème à résoudre.” – Gandhi
Translation in English: Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.
What it means to me: Life should be experienced and enjoyed rather than over-analyzed or treated like a puzzle to solve.
10. “La vie est ce que notre caractère veut qu’elle soit.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
Translation in English: Life is what our character makes it.
What it means to me: Our character, or who we are as individuals, influences our perception of life and how we navigate it. We essentially shape our own lives through our actions, choices, and attitudes.
11. “La vie est un défi à relever, un bonheur à mériter, une aventure à tenter.” – Mère Teresa
Translation in English: Life is a challenge to be met, a happiness to be earned, an adventure to be tried.
What it means to me: Life presents us with opportunities for growth, joy, and excitement, but we must actively engage with it to reap these benefits.
12. “La vraie vie est absente. Nous ne sommes pas au monde.” – Arthur Rimbaud
Translation in English: The real life is absent. We are not in the world.
What it means to me: This speaks to the human condition of feeling detached or disconnected from the world around us at times.
13. “La vie est un rêve, c’est le réveil qui nous tue.” – Virginia Woolf
Translation in English: Life is a dream, it’s the waking up that kills us.
What it means to me: This quote speaks to the illusionary, transient nature of life and the harsh reality of our mortality.
14. “La vie est une succession de leçons qui doivent être vécues pour être comprises.” – Helen Keller
Translation in English: Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
What it means to me: Experience is the best teacher, and living through various experiences in life is how we learn and grow.
15. “La vie est une longue leçon d’humilité.” – J.M. Barrie
Translation in English: Life is a long lesson in humility.
What it means to me: Life has a way of teaching us humility, often through experiences and challenges that show us our limitations and human frailty.
16. “C’est cela la vie, aller vers les autres.” – Muriel Barbery
Translation in English: That’s what life is, going towards others.
What it means to me: Life is about connection and reaching out to others, sharing experiences and growing together.
17. “On ne peut répondre de son courage quand on n’a jamais été dans le péril.” – François de La Rochefoucauld
Translation in English: One cannot answer for his courage when he has never been in danger.
What it means to me: Courage is tested and proven in the face of adversity.
18. “La vie est une comédie pour ceux qui pensent et une tragédie pour ceux qui sentent.” – Horace Walpole
Translation in English: Life is a comedy to those who think, and a tragedy to those who feel.
What it means to me: This quote emphasizes the dichotomy of life experiences based on whether we approach life with our minds (logic) or our hearts (emotion).
19. “Le bonheur dépend de nous.” – Aristote
Translation in English: Happiness depends upon ourselves.
What it means to me: Our happiness is ultimately determined by our own attitudes and actions.
20. “La vie est un mystère à vivre, non un problème à résoudre.” – Søren Kierkegaard
Translation in English: Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.
What it means to me: Life should be embraced as a journey to be experienced, rather than being seen as a problem or puzzle that needs to be solved. It’s about living and experiencing, not about finding solutions to every single thing.
21. “La vie est comme une bicyclette, il faut avancer pour ne pas perdre l’équilibre.” – Albert Einstein
Translation in English: Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
What it means to me: In life, as with riding a bicycle, momentum is crucial. It’s important to keep moving forward despite the obstacles that may come your way.
22. “La vie n’est pas d’attendre que les orages passent, c’est d’apprendre comment danser sous la pluie.” – Sénèque
Translation in English: Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
What it means to me: This quote emphasizes resilience and the ability to find joy and growth even in challenging circumstances.
23. “La vie est un voyage, pas une destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Translation in English: Life is a journey, not a destination.
What it means to me: Many people go through life merely existing, but to truly live is to actively participate in life, embracing every moment and experience.

24. “La vie est ce que nous en faisons. Les voyages sont les voyageurs.” – Fernando Pessoa
Translation in English: Life is what we make of it. Travels are the travelers.
What it means to me: We have control over our lives, and we shape our journeys based on our attitudes, actions, and decisions.
25. “La meilleure façon de prévoir l’avenir, c’est de le créer.” – Platon
Translation in English: The best way to predict the future is to create it.
What it means to me: We have the power to shape our future through our actions in the present.
26. “La vie ne vaut rien, mais rien ne vaut la vie.” – Serge Gainsbourg
Translation in English: Life is worth nothing, but nothing is worth more than life.
What it means to me: Life’s value is beyond measure, it is the most precious thing we have.

27. “La vie est trop courte pour ne pas être heureux.” – Leigh Hunt
Translation in English: Life is too short to not be happy.
What it means to me: Life is fleeting, and it’s important to seek happiness and fulfillment in every moment.
28. “Oui, nous le pouvons.” – Barack Obama
Translation in English: Yes, we can.
What it means to me: This statement embodies optimism, determination, and the belief in our collective abilities.
29. “La vie est une question d’attitude.” – Charles Swindoll
Translation in English: Life is a matter of attitude.
What it means to me: Our attitude or perspective can greatly influence our experience of life, determining whether we view events as opportunities or challenges.
30. “La vie n’est qu’un éternel recommencement.” – Louis Pauwels
Translation in English: Life is nothing but an eternal beginning.
What it means to me: Life continuously presents us with new opportunities and beginnings, much like a cycle that constantly restarts.
31. “Il n’y a pas de joie sans peine dans la vie.” – Honoré de Balzac
Translation in English: There is no joy without pain in life.
What it means to me: The experiences of joy and pain are intertwined in life, each giving context and meaning to the other.
32. “La vie est une échelle, la montée est parfois difficile.” – Anonymous
Translation in English: Life is a ladder, the climb can sometimes be difficult.
What it means to me: Life’s journey includes challenges and difficulties which are akin to climbing a ladder, but each step brings us closer to our goals.
33. “Dans la vie on ne fait pas ce que l’on veut mais on est responsable de ce que l’on est.” – Jean-Paul Sartre
Translation in English: In life, we do not do what we want but we are responsible for who we are.
What it means to me: Our actions may not always align with our desires, but ultimately, we are responsible for our own identity and character.
34. “La vie est pleine de petits bonheurs.” – Anonymous
Translation in English: Life is full of little pleasures.
What it means to me: Life is filled with small joys and pleasures, we just need to recognize and appreciate them.
35. “La vie appartient à ceux qui osent.” – Simone de Beauvoir
Translation in English: Life belongs to those who dare.
What it means to me: Life rewards those who take risks and are brave enough to face challenges head-on.

36. “C’est le propre de l’homme de se tromper; seul l’insensé persiste dans son erreur.” – Cicero
Translation in English: It is natural for man to err; only a fool persists in his error.
What it means to me: Everyone makes mistakes, but wisdom lies in recognizing and learning from them.
37. “Vivre pleinement, c’est aussi prendre des risques.” – John C. Maxwell
Translation in English: Living fully also means taking risks.
What it means to me: A fulfilling life involves stepping out of our comfort zone and taking risks.
38. “C’est dans les moments les plus sombres que nous devons nous concentrer pour voir la lumière.” – Aristote Onassis
Translation in English: It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
What it means to me: Even in the most difficult times, we must strive to find hope and positivity.
39. “La vie est simple, mais nous insistons à la rendre compliquée.” – Confucius
Translation in English: Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
What it means to me: Life can be simpler than we think, but often, our own perceptions and attitudes complicate it.
40. “La seule chose que nous devons craindre, c’est la peur elle-même.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
Translation in English: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
What it means to me: Fear can be a larger obstacle than the things we’re actually afraid of.
41. “La vie, c’est ce qui arrive quand vous êtes occupé à faire d’autres Projets.” – John Lennon
Translation in English: Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.
What it means to me: Life can be unpredictable, and we should be open to experiencing it as it unfolds.
42. “L’art de vivre consiste en un subtil mélange entre lâcher prise et tenir bon.” – Henri Lewis
Translation in English: The art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
What it means to me: Navigating life effectively requires a balance between knowing when to persist and when to let go.
43. “La vie est un jeu avec ses propres règles, ses propres limites, ses propres frontières.” – Paulo Coelho
Translation in English: Life is a game with its own rules, its own limits, its own boundaries.
What it means to me: Life has its own rules and boundaries, just like a game, and we must navigate within these to succeed.
44. “Dans la vie, rien n’est à craindre, tout est à comprendre.” – Marie Curie
Translation in English: In life, nothing is to be feared, everything is to be understood.
What it means to me: Fear is lessened when we strive to understand things rather than fear them.

45. “La vie est un voyage, pas une destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Translation in English: Life is a journey, not a destination.
What it means to me: The focus of life should be on the experiences and growth we encounter along the way, not just on reaching a specific goal or destination.
46. “La vie est une question de choix. Comment nous conduisons nos vies dépend de nous.” – Anonymous
Translation in English: Life is a matter of choices. How we lead our lives depends on us.
What it means to me: Our lives are shaped by the choices we make, emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility.
47. “Aucune grande entreprise ne peut se faire sans l’idéal.” – Charles de Gaulle
Translation in English: No great endeavor can be done without ideal.
What it means to me: Having a clear vision or ideal is essential for achieving significant goals.
48. “Le travail éloigne de nous trois grands maux : l’ennui, le vice et le besoin.” – Voltaire
Translation in English: Work keeps three great evils at bay: boredom, vice, and need.
What it means to me: Work provides purpose, discipline, and the means to meet our needs.
49. “Le sens de la vie est de trouver son don. Le but de la vie est de le partager.” – Pablo Picasso
Translation in English: The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to share it.
What it means to me: Our lives gain meaning when we discover our unique talents and share them with the world.
50. “Ne demandez pas ce que votre pays peut faire pour vous. Demandez ce que vous pouvez faire pour votre pays.” – John F. Kennedy
Translation in English: Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.
What it means to me: Citizenship involves a balance of rights and responsibilities.
51. “Il n’y a qu’un héroïsme au monde: c’est de voir le monde tel qu’il est et de l’aimer.” – Romain Rolland
Translation in English: There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it.
What it means to me: The true heroism is to accept the world in its reality and still love it, despite its imperfections.
52. “Le secret du bonheur, ce n’est pas de faire toujours ce que l’on veut, mais de vouloir toujours ce que l’on fait.” – Héraclite
Translation in English: The secret of happiness is not always doing what one wants, but always wanting what one does.
53. “La vie est trop courte pour qu’on soit pressé.” – Henry David Thoreau
Translation in English: Life is too short to be in a hurry.
What it means to me: Life is fleeting, and we should take the time to enjoy it rather than always rushing through.

54. “Chaque minute de vie est une seconde de chance.” – Anonymous
Translation in English: Every minute of life is a second chance.
What it means to me: Life continuously presents us with new opportunities for change and growth; each moment is a potential second chance.
55. “Le seul véritable échec dans la vie est de ne pas être vrai envers le meilleur qu’il y a en nous.” – Ken Poirot
Translation in English: The only real failure in life is not being true to the best that is in us.
What it means to me: Authenticity and living true to oneself is the key to a successful and fulfilling life.
56. “On ne peut pas trouver la paix en évitant la vie.” – Virginia Woolf
Translation in English: One cannot find peace by avoiding life.
What it means to me: Engaging fully with life, with all its ups and downs, is essential to finding true peace.
57. “La vie est simple, mais c’est l’homme qui complique tout.” – Oscar Wilde
Translation in English: Life is simple, but it’s man who complicates everything.
What it means to me: Oftentimes, we ourselves make life more complex and complicated than it needs to be.
58. “Vivre est la chose la plus rare. La plupart des gens existent, c’est tout.” – Oscar Wilde
Translation in English: To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that’s all.
What it means to me: Truly living involves more than just going through the motions of existence; it requires actively engaging with and enjoying life.
59. “Nous n’avons pas besoin de la magie pour changer le monde, nous avons déjà en nous tout le pouvoir dont nous avons besoin, nous avons le pouvoir d’imaginer mieux.” – J.K. Rowling
Translation in English: We do not need magic to change the world, we have within us all the power we need, we have the power to imagine better.
60. “La vie n’est pas mesurée par le nombre de respirations que nous prenons, mais par les moments qui nous coupent le souffle.” – Maya Angelou
Translation in English: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
What it means to me: It’s not the length of life, but the depth of life experiences that truly matters.
61. “Aimer la vie, plus que l’amour.” – Johnny Hallyday
Translation in English: Love life more than love itself.
What it means to me: The beauty of life itself should be loved and cherished more than the concept of love itself.
62. “Il faut toujours viser la lune, car même en cas d’échec, on atterrit dans les étoiles.” – Oscar Wilde
Translation in English: Always aim for the moon, because even if you fail, you’ll land among the stars.
What it means to me: Always aim high in your aspirations. Even if you fall short, you’ll still have achieved something great.
63. ” Ce que nous voyons n’est pas ce que nous voyons, mais ce que nous sommes.” – Fernando Pessoa
Translation in English: Life is what we make of it. Travels are the travelers. What we see is not what we see but what we are.
What it means to me: Our experiences and perceptions of life are largely shaped by our own inner selves and attitudes.
64. “Le temps passe et les amitiés passent, j’en ai vu d’autres c’est la vie.” – Kery James
Translation in English: Time passes and friendships pass, I’ve seen others, that’s life.
What it means to me: Time brings changes in our relationships and circumstances; it’s a natural part of life.
65. “Les rêves donnent à la vie de nouvelles saveurs.” – Indila
Translation in English: Dreams give life new flavors.
What it means to me: Dreams and aspirations add excitement and meaning to our lives.

66. “La vie c’est des étapes… La plus douce c’est l’amour… La plus dure c’est la séparation…” – Amel Bent
Translation in English: Life is stages… The sweetest is love… The hardest is separation…
What it means to me: Life is made up of various stages, with love being a high point and separation being a challenging time.
67. “Il suffit parfois d’une chanson pour faire revivre un rêve endormi.” – Lara Fabian
Translation in English: Sometimes it just takes a song to revive a sleeping dream.
What it means to me: Music has the power to awaken emotions, inspire us, and bring dreams back to life.
68. “La vie non examinée ne vaut pas la peine d’être vécue.” – Socrate
Translation in English: The unexamined life is not worth living.
What it means to me: Reflection and self-awareness are crucial components of a fulfilling life.
69. “La seule véritable sagesse est de savoir que tu ne sais rien.” – Socrate
Translation in English: The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing.
What it means to me: True wisdom lies in recognizing the limits of our knowledge and being open to learning.
70. “L’espérance est le songe d’un homme éveillé.” – Aristote
Translation in English: Hope is the dream of a waking man.
What it means to me: Hope is a guiding force in our lives, fueling our dreams and ambitions.
71. “Chacun a la capacité de changer le monde pour le meilleur.” – Nelson Mandela
Translation in English: Everyone has the ability to change the world for the better.
What it means to me: Everyone has the potential to make a positive impact in the world.

72. “Il est préférable de souffrir certaines injustices que de les commettre.” – Socrate
Translation in English: It is better to suffer some injustices than to commit them.
What it means to me: Upholding moral integrity, even in the face of injustice, is a higher virtue.
73. “Tout homme qui pense est un monstre, sa vie est un miracle, et tous ses actes sont des expériences.” – Denis Diderot
Translation in English: Any man who thinks is a monster, his life is a miracle, and all his actions are experiments.
What it means to me: Life is a journey of learning and exploration, driven by our ability to think and reason.
74. “Il n’y a de bonheur que dans le réel.” – Blaise Pascal
Translation in English: There is no happiness but in reality.
What it means to me: True happiness lies in embracing reality, rather than illusions or delusions.
75. “Il n’est pas nécessaire d’espérer pour entreprendre, ni de réussir pour persévérer.” – Guillaume d’Orange
Translation in English: It is not necessary to hope in order to undertake, nor to succeed in order to persevere.
What it means to me: Determination and persistence are virtues that do not rely on immediate success or optimism.
76. “Ce n’est pas la muraille qui fait la cité, mais l’homme.” – Winston Churchill
Translation in English: It is not the walls that make the city, but the people.
What it means to me: People, not structures or systems, are the heart of a community.
77. “Croyez ceux qui cherchent la vérité, doutez de ceux qui la trouvent.” – André Gide
Translation in English: Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.
What it means to me: The search for truth is a constant journey and one should be wary of those who claim to have all the answers.
Et voilà les amis!
Now I suggest you select the 3 quotes that inspired you the most and display them in a corner of your home 🙂
A bientôt!
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People also ask about French quotes about life:
What is a famous french quote about life?
A famous quote about life is a phrase written or spoken by a French writer, philosopher or personality.
Often this quote expresses very strong feelings.
What is the French phrase about enjoying life?
A popular French phrase about enjoying life is “Joie de vivre”. Literally translated, it means “joy of living”.
It’s used to express a cheerful enjoyment of life, an exultation of spirit.
What is the French quote about life and love?
This is a maybe THE famous quote about life and love:
“La vie est facile à comprendre. C’est un cadeau pour ceux qui aiment, un mystère pour ceux qui observent, une surprise pour ceux qui osent.” – Paul Eluard
Translation in English: “Life is easy to understand. It’s a gift for those who love, a mystery for those who observe, a surprise for those who dare.”
This quote emphasizes the perspective that our relationship with life changes based on our emotional state and actions, particularly when it comes to love and daringness.